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Thamil Pronouns

  Vanakkam! ( வணக்கம் ) Smiley

Today lets start learning the thamil pronouns,

நான்  ( NAN )      -       I
நீ ( Nii )                  -      You to young people
நீங்கள் ( Ningal ) -      You to elder people
அவன் ( Avan )    -      He
அவள்  ( Aval )    -      She
அவர்   ( Avar )    -      He and She with respect
அது / இது   ( Athu/ Ithu )     -     It

( You did not got literate still? thats your first lesson,memorize the thamil vowels and consonants : )

> In this link you will see how to use thamil pronouns :

*Tamil is SOV subject–object–verb ) * 

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